پیشنهاد به‌ هموطنان کرد در ارتباط با انتخابات ریاست جمهوری - هادی صوفی زاده

نظرات دیگران
    از : juybaar

عنوان : get more votes
Mr. Sufizadeh,

May I ask why you are not addressing the people of Iran, and instead only talk to the Kurds? Wouldn’t it be funny if I addressed only the people of Bandar Abbas?

I don’t know Mr. Sho’leh Sa’di so have no particular feeling about him, but I think if you believe that Mr. Sho’leh Sa’di is a good candidate, then you should be asking all Iranians to vote for him and not just the Kurds. Wouldn’t that make more sense? You will get more votes.
٨۰۰۲ - تاریخ انتشار : ۱۴ اسفند ۱٣٨۷