از : Juybaar
عنوان : To Ali
Ba salam beh Ali az Tehran,
I was very busy in the past few days, but I did read your response when you posted it.
I have notice from your replies that you get angry too fast and that’s not a good sign, but if you are actually living in Iran, I can understand.
Looking at the comments made by others and you, now I’m feeling that even if I do give you all the references you asked for, it would make no difference. Why am i saying that? Because, for example, a gentleman right after your first comment in response to me, did list some of the references, but you ignored all and only heard and reacted only to the word “pan turkist.” Or, you didn’t even bother to say anything about made-up, fake name for the geographical area presently known as “Azerbaijan Republic.”
At any rate, i will list the references, but it will take time because I have to spend some time which I don’t have at the moment. But if you give me your email, I will communicate with you later.
Also, nobody really here denied you your rights as a minority. There was a discussion going on, and you just decided to get angry and that’s not good really. It doesn’t help the situation.
Also, please make one thing clear for me if you don’t mind. If i compare you and the people who think like you to the total population of Iran, would that group be a minority or a majority compared to the total population of Iran.
Be omid-e sarbolandi bara-ye Iran va Iraniaha.
My email: juybar@aol.com
۴۶۷۱ - تاریخ انتشار : ۲ آذر ۱٣٨۷